woman and girl

Every day, our work across the nation serves as a catalyst for the creation of safe, active, equitable, and healthy communities--urban, suburban, and rural--we believe that people of all races, income levels, and abilities should experience health and wellbeing. We have given our staff the ability to take off for A Day Without a Woman but we are also continuing our work as an organization to support those who do not have the privilege of taking off. We will continue to elevate our voices for those who cannot as we always have, and we invite you to join us.

  • Share our e-news with a friend or colleague to build support for active transportation including Safe Routes to School.
  • Read about the challenges some communities face every day and commit to making a difference with us.
  • Meet the shared use ambassadors who are working in their communities to ensure that everyone has equitable access to physical activity.
  • Join us with America Walks and Active Living by Design for a #RightToWalk tweetchat on March 14
  • Join our webinar on March 29 to share ideas for creating innovative bike programs for youth in diverse communities

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Cass Isidro
Executive Director