Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 · Time: 1 p.m.–2 p.m. ET · Location: Zoom
This resource provides recommendations for how champions and stakeholders who care about their state’s support for active transportation and physical activity, can emphasize new opportunities within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to influence decision-makers in their state to strengthen state policies and practices for improving walking and rolling and raise their state report card scores.
The Modesto Airport Neighborhood is a suburban community in the Central Valley that had not historically received much in the way of Safe Routes to School investment and attention.
This tool is designed to help school board members, administrators, families of students, and community members create and implement district policies that support active transportation and Safe Routes to School programs.
Below are videos to help coordinators, parents and educators teach the skills necessary for everyone to be safe and confident road users.
Key takeaway: