A key focus of the Safe Routes Partnership is to serve as an advocate for Safe Routes to School and related issues with Congress and the federal government and to monitor implementation of Safe Routes to School funding. Because Safe Routes to School affects communities in so many ways, our legislative priorities include transportation, education, health, and the environment.

Below you will find the latest information on the Safe Routes Partnership’s legislative priorities and calls to action. You can explore the links on the left for detailed information on the current federal transportation law (the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), state implementation, and background on the legislative history.  For a comprehensive search of all our resources, conduct an advanced search of our resource library.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Background and Resources

In November 2021, Congress passed a new transportation bill, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which changes policy and authorizes transportation funding for five years (2022-2026). As part of this law, Congress increased funding and made significant policy changes to programs that fund walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School. Background on the law, the changes it makes to the Transportation Alternatives Program, and its impact on Safe Routes to School is available in our Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Background and Resources.

Latest News and Information:

Recapping the 2022 Midterm Elections and Their Impact on Active Transportation

December 14, 2022:   With the 2022 mi-term elections officially behind us, we look to 2023 and what that means in Congress for Transportation Alternatives, Safe Routes to School, and the Highway Safety Improvement Program. Get updated on key committee changes and learn how you can keep us informed of implementation in your state in our new federal policy blog.

Re-Introducing the State of States: Quarterly Transportation Alternatives Implementation Tracking

November 9, 2022:   This month marks the one year anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). We’re unveiling a new Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) tracking tool to celebrate this milestone and reflect on the significant improvements BIL has made to TAP. Read all about it in our latest federal policy blog.

Headlines from the Hill (and Beyond!): An End of Fiscal Year Roundup

October 12, 2022:   It’s hard to keep up with all the funding changes, updates, hearings, and appointments as we approach the end of the federal fiscal year. Read our federal policy blog for more details.

Dollars and Deadlines: A State-by-State look at the Transportation Alternatives Program

September 13, 2022:   Federal funding for walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School through the Transportation Alternatives Program has increased in every state. But how can Safe Routes to School practitioners, and walking and bicycling advocates identify, apply, and access that money? Read our federal policy blog for more details.

New Program Profile: Reconnecting Communities, Plus: What’s in the Reconciliation Bill for Active Transportation?

August 8, 2022:   Explore the new Reconnecting Communities program that focuses on rectifying past harms of transportation investments with $1 billion in funding over the next five years in our federal policy blog.

$1B This Year for new Roadway Safety Program - How Can Safe Routes to School get involved?

July 14, 2022:  See how Safe Routes to School practitioners can make sure Safe Routes to School is included in the USDOT funding efforts to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries. Read our federal policy blog for more details.

Guidance is out - What Does it Mean for Safe Routes to School?

June 8, 2022:  With so much information releaed on the Highway Safety Improvement Program and the Transportation Alternatives Program, we've compiled the highlights for Safe Routes to School practioners and professionals. Read the deatils in our federal policy blog.

elevating safe routes to school in a safe system approach

March 9, 2022:  The passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law paired with the Biden Administration’s release of the National Roadway Safety Strategy makes this a unique moment in to prioritize the safety of people – including young people – in transportation planning and investment. Read our federal policy blog for more details.

special edition: what's going on with legacy safe routes to school funds?

february 9, 2022:  This month, we’re taking a look at Safe Routes to School legacy funds and the $103 million remaining for Safe Routes to School infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects. Read the deatils in our federal policy blog.

new year, new infrastructure law - tips to kick off 2022

january 7, 2022:   Read our federal policy blog to learn ways to take advantage of the positive policy changes and new money included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.