Margo PedrosoOn September 17th, the U.S. House Transportation Committee will be voting on the transportation bill.  One of the issues they’ll be debating is whether or not to continue the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), which is the main source of funding for Safe Routes to School, bicycling and walking. 

Act now:  contact your Member of Congress to ask them to sustain TAP without funding cuts or policy changes.    

With your help, we can keep TAP robust.  Each year, hundreds of millions of dollars are awarded to build sidewalks, bike lanes, Safe Routes to School and trails.  In addition, the program gives communities the power to choose the projects that best meet local needs.

Bicycling and walking are affordable transportation options that improve safety, make neighborhoods more livable and improve the economic competitiveness of our cities and towns.  Act now to keep our kids and families safe!

TAP is less than 2 percent of the entire transportation bill—a small price to pay to support thousands of bicycling and walking projects across the nation in cities, towns and rural areas.

Thank you for your help in asking Congress to sustain TAP