August 2012

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Update from the Montana Safe Routes to School Program

Montana Safe Routes to School continues to improve safety and healthy options for children across Montana. In March of 2012, Montana Safe Routes to School announced $928,406 in Safe Routes to School awards for state fiscal year 2013, which began July 1, 2012. Six communities were awarded infrastructure funding for projects ranging from $14,000 for signing and crossing improvements to $114,386 for a pathway in eastern Montana.

Bikes and Feet on Every Street in NJ!

They’re Back! To School, That Is. New Jersey Safe Routes to School Resource Center makes it easy for communities to get active, get healthy, and get back to school. With SRTS Regional Coordinators from eight Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) throughout New Jersey ready to help, kicking off Safe Routes to School programs in your town is within reach.

We’ve Got You Covered: Geographic-Specific Research

kelechiSince Safe Routes to School became a federally funded program, it has experienced tremendous support nationwide. Parents are encouraging more physically active lifestyles. Students are engaged in more walking and bicycling to school. Schools and local governments are establishing policies and infrastructure that enable safe walking and bicycling.

It’s About the Children

Stephanie WeberAnother summer is behind us. My daughter is being reminded of what the world looks like at 7:00am as we implement a plan to get her back on a school schedule before the alarm clock rudely does its job on Tuesday, September 4.