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Everywhere You Look

Deb HubsmithOctober is such a great time of year.Everywhere I look lately, no matter what city or town I am visiting, I see more children and families walking and bicycling to school, the park, other destinations and just for fun.  

Pointing to the TIP for Infrastructure Changes

Stephanie WeberThe Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a region’s approved list of specific transportation projects mandated by federal law. It serves as a multi-year financial schedule for obligating federal funds to state and local transportation projects. The TIP contains funding information for all modes of transportation including bicycle and pedestrian projects.

Update from the South Carolina Safe Routes to School Program

To date, South Carolina Safe Routes to School has awarded 24 projects (totaling a little more than $3.7 million). Some examples of the various types of infrastructure projects are sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter, crosswalks, raised crosswalks, multi-use paths, signage, bicycle storage sheds and bike racks. South Carolina created a Safe Routes to School Resource Center to handle all of the non-infrastructure components.