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Making the Match: Finding Funding for Future Safe Routes to School Projects

Margo PedrosoWith the issuance of the new interim guidance for the new Transportation Alternatives program under MAP-21, we now know for sure that future Safe Routes to School projects no longer have the luxury of being 100 percent funded by federal transportation dollars. Now, project sponsors will need

Reflections Begin

Stephanie WeberI’ve been immersed in our latest progress reports for the regional network project, and it is so easy to get lost in the minutiae of editing. But when I stop and think back upon our efforts this year, I am proud of the work of everyone involved in our regional efforts. 

Update from the Georgia Safe Routes to School Program

To date, Georgia Safe Routes to School has awarded 48 projects (totaling approximately $18.5 million). Some examples of the various types of infrastructure projects are installation of sidewalks, multi-use paths, crosswalks, raised crosswalks, multi-use paths, LED crossing signs, ADA ramps, bike lanes and bike racks.

Thankful in Tennessee

Christy SmithDuring the month of November we are reminded to give thanks.  I have Facebook friends who are making an effort to post something they are thankful for every day of the month.  While I like this idea, I think we should also make an effort to thank others -- to let them know we appreciate them.