Walk Like an Advocate with Rutgers' Grads
A Special Invitation
A Special Invitation
Safe Routes to School in Ohio has much to be proud of in 2012 – here are a few highlights: $16 million dollars awarded to communities for Safe Routes to School infrastructure and non-infrastructure project;
I’ve written a lot in the past few months about implementation of the federal MAP-21 transportation law at the state level, but there are still many issues and processes remaining at the federal level. So this month, I thought I’d touch on a few of them.
It has been a productive year for the Safe Routes Partnership in Southern California. This year, the Southern California team was off and running with a full-blown campaign at the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to increase funding for active transportation in the 2012 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS).
There are a number of exciting Safe Routes to Schools initiatives taking place around the state of Mississippi and the momentum continues. The Mississippi Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School program has opened up its fourth funding cycle.
The end of the year is a time of reflection on all that we value. Here at the Safe Routes Partnership, we value the simple act of walking or bicycling safely to school, a shop or to work.