Terry LansdellIt is back to school time in North Carolina and time for an IF/THEN deductive reasoning lesson that will make a difference for all moms, dads and kids heading back to school. Here are three important IF’s and THEN’s for your school and Safe Routes to School!

First, IF…you are concerned with how you and your kids get around North Carolina by bicycle and by foot, THEN… you should provide your input here at WalkBikeNC. Because for the first time in many years, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has a clearly defined, renewed commitment to make our state better for walking and bicycling! Deputy Secretary Paul Morris of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Division under the new leadership of Lauren Blackburn and the Safe Routes to School Coordinator Ed Johnson are embarking on a whirlwind campaign to update our bicycling and walking policies over the next six months. So share your specific and general comments and concerns with them directly through this site during the public comment period that ends this October.

Second, IF… your school or school district does not have a Safe Routes to School program in place, THEN…learn how to start one, make it a safety-based priority and learn how to make it successful by visiting the National Center for Safe Routes to School to begin the process and coordinate your efforts before the first day of school. It is easier than you think and can make a real impact on congestion, air quality, the health of your and all the children at the school.

Lastly, IF… your school zone does not look like the ones listed here as defined by the MUTCD (Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices), THEN…submit your K-8 school here for a Safe Routes to School grant to update its school zone cross walks, striping and safety components. This is an important first step that can make a real difference for everyone at your school to increase safety, support existing and future walking and bicycling programs and be a sustainable educational tool for your community in educating drivers and allowing local law enforcement clear and defined areas to enforce traffic laws that protect the areas surrounding the school.

As always, we hope that you will join the North Carolina network; contact me directly if you have any questions about joining.
