KelechiHi Safe Routes advocates! My name is Kelechi Uzochukwu, and as administrative associate for the Safe Routes Partnership, one of my responsibilities is to provide useful and up-to-date studies and publications related to the Safe Routes to School movement. During the difficult economic times that we are experiencing, it is critical now more than ever that we provide evidence-based information to support our push for continued Safe Routes to School funding.

Each month, I will blog about studies that you may find useful as you implement and advocate for Safe Routes to School in your community. For instance, the latest research on why an early start on a physically active lifestyle helps optimize a child’s physical and intellectual development may be just what you need to gain support from your child’s principal or your local elected official. Research can also provide you with creative and proven new ways to address traffic safety or promote bicycling and walking.

Our key research topics are:

  • Impact of Physical Activity on Obesity and Health
  • The Relationship between Physical Activity, Weight and Academic Achievement
  • The Influence of the Built Environment on Travel Behaviors
  • Addressing Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety
  • Traffic Congestion and Transportation Trends
  • Travel Impacts on Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases
  • Practitioner Information
  • Publications and Reports

So in the coming months, please stroll on by my Research blog and join me in discovering the latest and greatest news in Safe Routes to School research.
