We know from discussions on the listserv, questions in our inboxes, and overwhelming interest in the Back to School 2020 workgroup that people are interested in connecting with and learning from one another about how to safely support Safe Routes to School as the 2020 school year kicks off. To help facilitate that connection, the Safe Routes Partnership is holding two informal Zoom calls in July for you to connect with one another. 
The calls will not be facilitated by our staff, but we will provide the virtual space and behind the scenes organizing to make them happen. Because we anticipate significant interest and want to ensure that groups are small enough to enable meaningful conversation, we will be requiring pre-registration and asking you to select a breakout group topic that interests you. The breakout group topics suggested reflect the key questions we've heard over the past few weeks and months. If you are interested in a topic not listed, there is an open-text box on the registration form where you can suggest additional topics.
A couple of logistics:
  • Meetings will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, July 8th at noon PT/3p ET and Tuesday, July 21st at 10a PT/1p ET
  • We will hold two meetings; you're welcome to join either one or both of them. 
  • You can choose different breakout groups for each meeting. 
  • We will ask someone in each of the breakout groups to take notes and share them back with us so we can compile takeaways to be shared via the listserv.
  • In order to participate, you must register in advance.
  • This is in addition to the Back to School workgroup, which will release recommendations toward the end of July.
Register using the links below: 
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to info@saferoutespartnership.org.