Milwaukie & Tigard Lead the Call for Healthy Kids and Safe Streets

The Safe Routes Partnership is pleased to support the For Every Kid Coalition in the Pacific Northwest region. For Every Kid is a growing coalition calling for Safe Routes to School for every kid in the Metro-area; vocal support from cities and school districts is an outcome of key partners coming together to promote the benefits and work with communities and we have been an active part of the leadership of this effort.

Local leaders agree: creating safe options to walk, bike, or ride the bus to school is critical to improving the health of kids.

Back to School in Milwaukie, Oregon, Adds Another E: Excitement

kari schlosshauer"It is just not safe to let my child walk or ride their bike to school." So said respondents from the initial survey that the PTA of Linwood Elementary in Milwaukie, Oregon, sent out last spring. They didn’t know that 'Safe Routes to School' – with capital letters – existed. But they knew something was not right, and they wanted to fix it.

Florida Rallies Around Bike to School Day

May is the last month of the school year for many Southern states, and one where we see great numbers of children actively commuting to and from school.  Maybe there are so many people walking and bicycling because the weather is so nice, or maybe because teachers and parents want an outlet to that pre-summer energy the kids seem to have bundled inside them!  Regardless, walking and bicycling to school are great ways to enjoy the outdoors in our Southern state as well as get some much needed physical activity. 

Rural School District Finds Success in Creating a Safe Routes to School District Policy

Last fall, in the rural community of Winton, California, there was lot of excitement building around walking, bicycling and Safe Routes to School. Winton is a small town with two schools less than two miles apart from each other, and parents and community members had been frustrated about the congestion that was created when schools released students at the end of the day. Parents wanted to be able to walk or bicycle to school with their children, but couldn’t because of a lack of sidewalks and infrastructure. The district needed a solution.