terry landsellThe Wake County Child Safety Action Network (WakePedNet)is a varied group of individuals who share a similar goal: to raise awareness of child pedestrian injury concerns in Wake County, North Carolina to share and plan activities, and to build greater capacity to prevent pedestrian crashes and injuries.

WakePedNet acts as a unifying body to foster and coordinate efforts in Wake County and fills the gaps in safety programs and policies that exist in one of the largest school systems and population centers in North Carolina. WakePedNet includes local, county, and state-level stakeholders representing various disciplines, including decision-makers and elected officials, law enforcement officials, planners and engineers, school community representatives, public health and safety professionals, and community advocacy organizations. Participants have committed to meeting regularly in 2013 and anyone with an interest in improving the health or well-being of underserved Wake County children and/or youth is encouraged to participate.

Find out what you can do to help and take the lessons learned from the WakePedNet to your town or city to promote pedestrian safety. Visit the new website and learn about the new work plan, review the new calendar of events, and participate in any of the next eight WakePedNet meetings or other listed events.

WakePedNet receives support from the UNC Highway Safety Research Center, with its partner Toole Design Group, through a grant from the John Rex Endowment. The Safe Routes Partnership is excited to have this important action network as a partner to support our Safe Routes to Schools initiatives - advancing safe routes throughout communities, street-scale improvements (e.g., complete streets) and shared use opportunities – all with a focus on lower-income communities. The Safe Routes Partnership looks forward to working with WakePedNet.

To join the North Carolina Network or follow us on social media go to: NC State Network / Facebook / Twitter.