
Measuring Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: USDOT Says It Matters

At a recent grantmaking conference, one of the speakers emphasized the role of evaluation by saying that if you can’t measure something, it doesn’t matter.  Thanks to a new rule from the US Department of Transportation, all states will now be required to measure and be held accountable for bicycle and pedestrian safety.   

Training Wheels: Biking Safety Education Curriculum

This blog post was written by the Safe Routes Partnership's research reviewer, Christina Galardi.

“It’s just like riding a bike.”

This is an expression we often use to refer to a learned skill that comes naturally and is retained for a lifetime.

But how do you learn to ride a bike—and do so safely—in the first place?

About Our New Look

DirectorDebWelcome to the new website of the Safe Routes Partnership! The beginning of a new year seems to be the perfect time for a change to the Safe Routes Partnership’s website. The new color scheme, graphics and wonderful photos now reflect the vibrancy and energy of the national Safe Routes to School movement.


Dave CowanWhen I was about eight years old I decided to start a lemonade stand. My stand, which was rudimentary in design, included the front steps of my house, a pitcher of watered down lemonade and no cups.