Kids Abandon Car
On Walk to School Day, a huge parade of kids and parents walking and bicycling proceeded down a road where there were usually cars backed up for 3 blocks approaching the school. There was one lone car that day traveling past the walkers and bicyclists. The car stopped and you heard the kid say to his mom as he jumped out of the car mid-block, “I told you they would all be walking and bicycling!” – Tam Valley, CA

Walking School Bus Leader Loses 40 pounds
In Columbia, MO, the PedNet Coalition organizes 40 walking school buses with 120 volunteers which serve hundreds of students at multiple schools. One walking school bus leader lost 40 pounds leading a route by walking three miles each day. – Columbia, MO

Whole Families Thinking Green
As the SRTS program in Longmont, CO has expanded, the environmental aspect is becoming a large motivating factor. Families are starting to think about their carbon footprints, and how to cut back on fuel costs. One family at Crest View Elementary posted a chart in their garage to log each trip and method of transit taken, in an effort to get the whole family to reduce their reliance on the family car. – Longmont, CO