Fact Sheet
School Principals and the Shared Use of School Facilities

Principals are responsible for supporting the academic success of their students and also for acting as a liaison to parents and the community. Principals can play a key role in championing shared use in their school systems.

Fact Sheet
Creating Healthier Communities through the Shared Use of Hospitals

Learn how hospitals can play a role in implementing this strategy to address the community’s physical activity and nutrition needs.

Fact Sheet, Case Study
Addressing Childhood Obesity Through Shared Recreational Facilities

This two page document outlines strategies to increase physical activity through the shared use of recreational facilities.

Fact Sheet
Shared Use 101
The Nuts & Bolts of Improving Health through Shared Use in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Communities

Communities across the country suffer from insufficient physical activity and a lack of access to physical activity opportunities. Shared use can be a simple solution to increase physical activity in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities.

Fact Sheet
Superintendents and the Shared Use of School Facilities

Superintendents are the chief administrators for school districts. They work to implement the vision and policies that the school board establishes. Superintendents can play a critical role in supporting shared use.

Fact Sheet
What is Shared Use?
Supporting Health in Asian America, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Communities

Across the country, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities do not get enough physical activity. Asian American communities often do not have access to parks, tracks, fields, or affordable gyms. Shared use can help increase physical activity by making places with physical activity opportunities open to the public.

Fact Sheet
Shared Use:
Increasing Access to Physical Activity Opportunities

This resource presents an overview of the opportunties and challenges for advancing shared use agreements and offers examples of shared use in urban, suburban, and rural settings. 

Fact Sheet
Shared Use FAQs

Many questions may arise for communities working on shared use. This resource is desigend to answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

Fact Sheet
Uso Compartido:
Aumentar el Acceso a la Actividad Física

Las escuelas se encuentran en una zona céntrica y tienen gimnasios, parques infantiles, campos deportivos, canchas, pistas y otras instalaciones de recreo que podrían permitir a los residentes que sean más activos físicamente. Las escuelas y sus instalaciones de recreo tendrían que estar disponibles, fuera del horario escolar, para el uso comunitario.

Fact Sheet
School Board Members and the Shared Use of School Facilities

School boards have a crucial role to play in supporting shared use in school districts. This two page brief includes suggestions for shared use advocates working with school boards to advance shared use.