We've developed state report cards which provide a snapshot of how supportive each state is of walking, bicycling, rolling, and active kids and communities.
This tool was developed to support people who are interested in a simple, structured approach to identifying the environmental and mobility-related characteristics of a
place, recording this information, and using this data to inform next steps. This tool was designed to support people who are experts of the place where they live, work,
or play.
This promotional toolkit can be used to disseminate the report, “Making Strides: 2022 State Report Cards on Support for Walking, Bicycling, and Active Kids and Communities.”
We've developed state report cards which provide a snapshot of how supportive each state is of walking, bicycling, rolling, and active kids and communities.
Check out the new publication Taking on Traffic Laws: A How-To Guide for Decriminalizing Mobility, a collaborative effort between the Safe Routes Partnership and BikeWalkKC!
This guide will help California communities understand the process of applying to the ATP, with our recommendations for how to plan for, draft and submit your application.
This promotional tookit can be used to disseminate the report, Routes of Health: Exploring the Effects of Navigation Systems on Community Mobility, Safety, and Livability.
This report examines how the increased use of navigation systems is directing drivers into sensitive street zones, shifting traffic patterns and behaviors, creating a culture of health that's threatening active transportation, children’s health & safety, and the vitality of streets surrounding our parks, schools, and other community hubs.
Bicycle Safer Journey helps educators, parents and others who care about bicycle safety to get the conversation started with children and youth.
This promotional toolkit can be used to dissimenate the report, Investing in Health, Safety, and Mobility: A Report on State Funding for Walking, Bicycling, and Safe Routes to School - Promotional Toolkit.