Archived tweets from #MoveEquity tweetchat with @SafeRoutesNow @KaBOOM @SaludToday @Voices4HK @AmericaWalks @AL_Research

Programs to benefits kids are common – Safe Routes to School programs, afterschool programs, and more.  But are youth’s voices heard in the process?  Are their ideas about how to shape and improve our neighborhoods and communities part of the discussion?  Although kids of all ages are influencing their communities in positive ways, more work is needed on youth engagement, particularly low-income youth, youth of color, and LGBTQ youth, who have crucial perspectives when it comes to raising the issues that affect kids on the way to school. Join the next #MoveEquity tweetchat to discuss how our communities can engage youth in planning and making decisions around student transportation, and help make sure that the needs of all students are being addressed when it comes to walking and biking to school.

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