Pop-up Safe Routes to School projects such as temporary crosswalks, curb extensions, and roundabouts to show how easy it is to make changes that make it safer and more inviting for kids to walk and bicycle to school.

Pop-Ups for Safe Routes to School: Using Tactical Urbanism to Promote Safe Routes to School Programs outlines how pop-up projects can be used to advance Safe Routes to School projects, discusses the benefits of this type of demonstration project, provides examples of communities that have used pop-ups to advance Safe Routes to School, and shares resources for helping you create pop-up Safe Routes to School projects in your community.

Where the Duct Tape Meets the Road: How To Create Pop-Up Safe Routes to School Projects provides a simple overview of how you can go about conducting a pop-up Safe Routes to School project in your community. This fact sheet lays out the basic steps for successful pop-up projects, and specifies when and how the process differs because schools are involved.

installing paint lines
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