
This factsheet helps communities understand how to use the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) to support healthy community design and active transportation.

With the passage of the FAST Act, we now have a new transportation bill.  How does that affect the many local communities that are eager to use transportation funding streams to create safe streets for people walking and bicycling, or increase access by foot or bicycle to schools, parks, or playgrounds?  Although there are a few changes to walking and bicycling funds, the good news is that healthy communities are still supported.  However, because Congress has passed two federal transportation laws in the past four years that made changes in accessing funding to support healthy modes of getting around, it can be confusing to know where to start. 

This factsheet helps communities understand how to use the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) to support healthy community design and active transportation. The factsheet explains how TAP funding is allocated, how much money your state is expected to receive, and types of eligible projects that can be funded by TAP.

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