We congratulate Representatives Julia Brownley (D-CA-26) and Adriano Espaillat (D-NY-13) for introducing the Safe and Friendly for the Environment (SAFE) Streets Act. H.R. 3040 would help make sure that federal safety funds are directed towards projects that make walking and rolling safer.
The old tennis courts at Homestead Park in Youngstown, Ohio, secluded from other well-lit parts of the park, started attracting illegal activity in the late afternoons and lasting through the night. With no fence to control access, people would drive over the sidewalk and park on the courts to drink and party, with occasional fights and even shootings breaking out. Residents would often wake up to find broken glass, trash, and drug paraphernalia littered around the courts, including on the sidewalk, which connects the park with two nearby elementary schools and a playground.
The Safe Routes Partnership is proud to announce Carol Goss as the new Chair of the Board of Directors. Carol steps up to assume the role of Board Chair after serving as a board member for five years and providing a strong force in leading and shaping the organization’s vision for equity and the work of the board.
Many books have been written about leadership over the years, and yet there are so few examples of great leaders to be found. For the last few years I have been fortunate to work with a great leader, and as she leaves our organization, I am reminded what about what is important in leadership.