SRTS reports and more

Safe Routes to School: Reports, Evaluations, and Toolkits
Evaluation, Report
Pilot Evaluation of a Walking School Bus Program in a Low-income, Urban Community

This study measures the impact of a walking school bus program on active transportation in an urban, low-income elementary school.

Establishing a Safe Routes to School State Network: A 10-Step Guide

This report describes a process that can be used in any state to bring together diverse partners, create a SRTS State Network, and initiate policy changes that will make it safer and easier for children to be able to walk and bicycle to schools.

How Children Get to School:

This report describes how student school travel in the U.S. changed from 1969through 2009 using information from the 2001 and 2009 National HouseholdTravel Survey (NHTS) and the 1969 and 1995 Nationwide Personal TransportationSurveys (NPTS).

Evaluation, Report
Safe Routes to School State Network Project:

This report provides an update on major State Network Project accomplishments in 2008, lessons learned, state summaries, and the Local School Project.

Evaluation, Report
2008 Safe Routes to School: State of the States Report

This is an updated version of the State of the States report.

Safety-based Prioritization of Schools for Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Projects

This document explains a process to help transportationprofessionals identify schools within a city, schooldistrict or other local jurisdiction that meritadditional review for specific pedestrianinfrastructure improvements based on safetyconsiderations.

Evaluation, Report
Safe Routes to School:

The U.S. GAO report on Safe Routes to School was released on July 31, 2008.

Evaluation, Report, Case Study
Safe Routes to School State Network Project:

The Safe Routes Partnership launched the State Network Project in 2007 to influence state-level Safe Routes to School implementation and to leverage additional resources and build a supportive environment through other state-level policies. 

Report, Case Study
Safe Routes to School:

This report indicates how Safe Routes to School is being institutionalized at select schools, and providing a mechanism to improve student and school health. 

Evaluation, Report
Shifting Modes

This study explores how school-level dynamics that underlie the planning and implementation of SRTS programs relate to the percentage of students who walk and bicycle between home and school.