
Please join us for the second in our 2021-2022 ATP Webinar Series. The Safe Routes Partnership began hosting webinars for applicants to the Active Transportation Program in Cycle 5, and we are excited to provide another round of webinars in anticipation of Cycle 6.

Please join us for the second in our 2021-2022 ATP Webinar Series. The Safe Routes Partnership began hosting webinars for applicants to the Active Transportation Program in Cycle 5, and we are excited to provide another round of webinars in anticipation of Cycle 6. The second in our webinar series will be held March 1 from 3pm-4pm PST, will focus on sustainability for non-infrastructure programs, either in stand-alone ATP applications, or in combined infrastructure/non infrastructure applications. Click here to register.

The ATP application requires that applicants demonstrate a plan for “sustainability” of their programs past the horizon of funding. In Cycle 6, more guidance will be provided in the application and scoring rubrics as to how to answer that question. 

Topics covered in our webinar will include:

  • Building volunteer leadership that can keep programs running after funding for staff has expired.

  • Partnering with local organizations to engage youth and hard-to-reach communities in putting a community stamp on new projects.

  • Fostering parent-student groups and activities that can instill walking and biking, and the projects supporting them, into school culture.


  • Jonathan Matz, Safe Routes Partnership

  • Victoria Custodio, California Department of Public Health

  • Rachel P. Paras, Alameda County Public Health Department

  • Brittany Lomo, Sonoma County Department of Health Services

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