
On Tuesday, May 17th from 11 am to noon Mountain, the Colorado Department of Transportation is hosting a free webinar presented by the Safe Routes Partnership:

Pop-ups, Play Streets, and Placemaking: Exploring Innovative Safe Routes to School Projects 

Tuesday, May 17th, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Mountain 

Do you find yourself going back to the same Safe Routes to School activities year after year? If so, your program might be in need of a refresh! Join us as we highlight some of the newest and most innovative ideas from Safe Routes to School including pop-up projects, fun giveaways, and creative collaborations. We will also take time to celebrate successes from the past year and prepare for upcoming grant application cycle.


  • Kori Johnson, Safe Routes Partnership 

This webinar is part of a series of free webinars provided by the Colorado Department of Transportation and presented by the Safe Routes Partnership.

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Pop-ups, Play Streets, and Placemaking: Exploring Innovative Safe Routes to School Projects
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