The Safe Routes Partnership helped facilitate several workshops throughout the region to collect feedback on SCAG’s Connect SoCal 2020, which will update the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Community Strategy. We held four workshops in San Bernardino, Orange, and Riverside. Three of the workshops were sponsored by our County Active Transportation Networks  and the fourth workshop was held at a Junior High School that focused on feedback from San Bernardino parents and students. We were able to delve deeply into community issues and discuss both barriers and opportunities that transportation planning can focus on in the future. Some of the issues raised related to transportation safety, opportunities for improving health, air quality in our environmental justice areas, and access to parks and open space for families. Some ideas for solutions includes more comprehensive Complete Streets policies, better local and regional coordination on land use decisions, and investments in active transportation. We complied feedback collected and look forward to reading SCAG’s draft. For more information on the latest updates on Connect SoCal, please visit their website here.


California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California