The City of Eugene is preparing for an E-Scooter Pilot Program, and is currently in the process of drafting new city codes for adoption. Eugene is on track to launch a pilot program in the spring or summer of 2020, but before scooters are deployed, city planners want to hear from you! Feedback will be used to inform how e-scooter operator permit applications are evaluated, and to help determine where and how e-scooters may be used in the community.

The Safe Routes Partnership recognizes the potential value of a new micro-mobility option such as dockless e-scooters, but we also advise local jurisdictions to put policies and regulations in place that ensure equity and safety in how they’re rolled out. For example, scooters shouldn’t be parked in places that present hazards to people with disabilities, or operated at high-speeds on sidewalks. A meaningful portion of dockless fleets should be distributed to low-income neighborhoods that need and desire more mobility options. Eugene could also consider appointing a community advisory board, to help oversee and evaluate the pilot program.

The city’s survey asks several questions related to safety, sustainability and equity, and we are encouraged by Eugene’s proactive community outreach. Please take advantage of this public involvement period, participate and share the survey link! Survey closes November 14th.  

Eugene’s E-Scooter Pilot Program info:
Survey link:


Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest