Our mission is to advance safe walking and bicycling to and from schools; to improve the health and well-being of kids of all races, income levels, and abilities; and to foster the creation of healthy communities for everyone.
Our Story
The Safe Routes Partnership was founded in August 2005, and is a fast-growing network of hundreds of organizations. Recognizing that Safe Routes to School is about community and is therefore a community commitment, the Safe Routes Partnership started the regional network project in 2010 with funding from Kaiser Permanente, and launched the Pacific Northwest regional network in 2013.
The purpose of the Pacific Northwest regional network is to bring together families, advocates, schools, health, transportation, and planning professionals from around greater Portland, Salem-Keizer area, and Southwest Washington (Cowlitz to Clark Counties), to support walking and bicycling policy, funding, and action within communities to create a Pacific Northwest where walking and bicycling are safe and convenient for all.
Our Staff in the Pacific Northwest
Becky Gilliam, Pacific Northwest Regional Policy Manager
Silverton, OR
becky@saferoutespartnership.org | 503-949-0387