Since 2018, the Safe Routes Partnership has been supporting partners in the Salem area to get started on its first ever Safe Routes to School program. And we’re excited to share some important updates!

Stakeholders from the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments, Salem-Keizer Public Schools, Cherriots Trip Choice, Marion County Health and the cities of Salem and Keizer, have been working hard to establish a vision for what a SRTS program could look like for the region. We’ve developed a Safe Routes to School Visioning Plan and recently applied for state grant funding to hire a dedicated SRTS Coordinator for the area. If the region is selected for funding, a coordinator would be housed at the COG and embedded within the school district, to implement SRTS programming at 4-7 schools for starters.

 The Salem-Keizer SRTS Visioning Plan will likely be updated every two years, and the 2019 version is available here for your interest and review. The current plan captures existing SRTS efforts and objectives for implementing a coordinated program in the region.

Questions or comments? Please reach out to Becky if you’d like to stay in the loop!



Related files:

2019 Visioning Plan for a SRTS Program in the Salem-Keizer Area

Oregon Department of Transportation SRTS Grant Programs


Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest