Washington State DOT’s statewide Active Transportation Plan Update is under way

What is the WSDOT Active Transportation Plan?

The WSDOT Active Transportation Plan updates the state's "bicycle facilities and pedestrian walkways plan", and is a way to use what we learn from you and others to shape recommendations for policy decisions, investments, and improvements. The plan will consider where we are now, where we want to go, and how we are going to get there in the coming years. It coordinates with your local and region plans so get involved in those too.

Active transportation is about giving people safe options for getting from one place to another using active means of travel such as walking, biking and rolling. The 2019 Active Transportation Plan will help guide and implement statewide investments and policies for increased access, safety and mobility.
Take the survey to tell WSDOT what matters to you for walking and rolling more places, more safely, more conveniently in your community and state.
Your voice matters. Every comment and survey response will help shape the final recommendations for policy, funding priorities, and projects. 

Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest