Since early 2018, the Safe Routes Partnership has been proud to support our partners in the Salem area in getting started on its first ever Safe Routes to School program. And we're excited to share that the program is up and rolling! Here are some ways to get connected to the Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School Program:

  • Visit the Website! Still under development, this is the main landing page for the new program. Click around and check back for event listings, contacts for program staff and sign up for the newsletter. Visit the Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School Website!

  • Meet the Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School program staff! McRae Carmichael is the Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School Program Coordinator, and an employee of the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (COG). The COG also recently hired Emily Loberg as the new Safe Routes to Schools Program Assistant. For more information the Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School program, send an e-mail to McRae:

  • Attend a Free Bike Repair! In partnership with the Northwest Hub, Cherriots Trip Choice, Salem Bicycle Club and the Salem Leadership Foundation, the Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School Program has been offering free bike repairs throughout Salem-Keizer all summer long. Stop by the West Salem Farmer's Market on Thursdays through mid-September from 9:30 to 1:30 for a free bike repair!

Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest