Our Salem is a multi-year project to update the Comprehensive Plan, which guides future development for the city. The City of Salem has released an interactive map and draft vision that reflect priorities heard from the community. Outreach will continue through the fall and winter to ask for additional feedback on the draft vision, which will be presented to City Council for approval in early 2021. 

The City of Salem has also launched a new 16-month planning effort to develop a Climate Action Plan, which will be closely coordinated with the Our Salem project. The Climate Action Plan will ultimately chart a course to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience to climate change throughout the community. Learn more about the Climate Action Plan and register for future updates by visiting the online public engagement platform.

Related Links:

OurSalem Interactive Map:
Our Salem Draft Vision:
Our Salem Survey:
Climate Action Plan Public Engagement Platform:

Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest