Resource Library

Page 73 of 105 pages. This page shows results 1441 - 1460 of 2081 total results.

Section 1807 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users(SAFETEA-LU) P.L. 109-59 established the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP) inAugust 2005

The Louisiana Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School program (LASRTS) will open the 7th cycle of funding January 2, 2013. Throughout the first six application cycles, LASRTS has funded 65 applicants; providing improvements to 88 schools around the state. Louisiana expects to fund more than $2 million in projects in the 2013 application cycle. Applications are due March 1, 2013.

Journal Article

This article describes strategies for risk management in implementing Safe Routes to School programs.

Jeanie Ward-WallerThanksgiving is my favorite holiday – not just because of the delicious food and the afternoon nap on the couch. As we kick off the month of gift giving and celebration that is the holiday season this day is very simply about quality time with family and friends and giving thanks.

How Statewide Organizations Are Winning Federal Dollars for Bicycle and Walking Projects

This report provides models for using statewide campaigns to use policies and processes to impact the flow of federal funds to biking and walking projects and programs.

Safe Routes to School Progress in Five States

This study assessed the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program in five states: Florida, Mississippi,Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Christine GreenIt is important to assess where we are, where we have been and where we are going. This time of year naturally leads us to those thoughts. At the risk of being cliché, I welcome the opportunity to think about what worked well with the Greater Washington, DC network in 2012 and what we might do differently in 2013.

Fact Sheet
Frequently Asked Questions

This resource answers frequently asked questions about establishing joint use for school facilities.

Carol PulleyEvery child deserves the opportunity to get themselves to and from school. Besides being able to chase frogs or play with their friends, there are many benefits to being able to have that activity in their day. 

Report, Case Study
Leads to Greater Collaboration with Public Health and School Officials

This report demonstrates how Safe Routes to School is a collaborative effort involving multiple organizations, including state Departments of Education and state Departments of Public Health. 

Margo PedrosoIf the news in your hometown is similar to what I hear in Washington, DC, you are probably hearing a lot about the sequester. Back in 2011, Congress and the President agreed to reduce the federal deficit, and created the sequester as a fail-safe to force spending cuts if they couldn’t reach a deal.

Fact Sheet

This policy brief provides information about these programs and ways that school districts/county offices of education (COEs) can become involved in increasing active transportation to and from school.

Christy SmithI recently had the opportunity to speak to Mayor Carolyn Thompson of Elkton, Tennessee. Elkton has fewer than 20,000 residents and is about twenty-five miles north of Huntsville, Alabama. Elkton has one elementary school with 327 students in pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade. They also do not have any sidewalks in their town.


This report describes a process that can be used in any state to bring together diverse partners, create a SRTS State Network, and initiate policy changes that will make it safer and easier for children to be able to walk and bicycle to schools.

Jay ThompsonThe Mississippi Delta is a region of the state that is comprised of approximately 18 counties, of which 30% of the residents live below the poverty level.

Engaging School Administrators in the Shared Use of School Facilities to Increase Physical Activity Opportunities for Kids

This webinar from November 6, 2013 provides examples and key resources to assist in starting conversations about shared use and building relationships with school board members, school administrators and principals.

Heather MurphyWith spring new leadership emerges within the Safe Routes Partnership (Safe Routes Partnership) Florida Network. However, to some this “newness” may be a bit familiar.

Model Policy

This resource is a policy statement that describes the goals of the Georgia Safe Routes to School Regional Network.

Terry LandsellLet’s Go NC! was developed for the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s (NCDOT) Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation and the state Safe Routes to School program by NC State University’s Institute for Transportation Research and Ed