These resources can help school districts and municipal organizations make use of playgrounds, fields, and gymnasiums that would otherwise not be open after hours for sports, exercise classes, or other types of activity. Shared use allows for a more efficient use of public space and money, and is an inexpensive strategy against childhood obesity, particularly in lower income communities. Click here to learn more about our National Shared Use Task Force, Shared Use Ambassadors, Shared Use Resolution, and other resources.

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ATP Cycle 6 Webinar # 2: Ensuring the Sustainability of Your Non-Infrastructure Program

Please join us for the second in our 2021-2022 ATP Webinar Series. The Safe Routes Partnership began hosting webinars for applicants to the Active Transportation Program in Cycle 5, and we are excited to provide another round of webinars in anticipation of Cycle 6.

Fact Sheets

Making Strides: 2022 State Report Cards

The 2022 Making Strides state report cards evaluate each state on key areas for state action to promote and support physical activity. This sheet provides a quick summary of the report cards’ scoring structure, including the indicators and possible points in each of the core topic areas and an example report card showing the different components.

Reports, Evaluations, and Toolkits

Bike Swap Instructions

A Community Bike Swap is a way to
refurbish and redistribute community bikes. It
engages participants to find bikes that fit them or their children better and is
a low to no-cost way to encourage bicycle ridership when paired with other
education or promotional events/rides or otherwise.

Case Studies

Case Studies on Active Transportation Funding, Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, Shared Use, and Environmental Justice

These new resources tell the stories of state- and local-level campaign wins for active transportation funding, Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, shared use, and environmental justice policies. 

Model Policies

Minneapolis and Park Board MOU for City Swim Programs

Grassroots efforts to improve equitable access to swimming facilities in a low-income neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minn. (10.5% Latino), spurred a formalized Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).



CounterPoint is a transportation planning and measurement tool designed in 2013, to make traffic counting global, fun, easy, and inclusive for all ages and disciplines. 

Journal Articles

Joint Use Facilities Where Everybody Benefits

This article by building design and construction design includes successful examples of joint use in Santa Ana, CA; Canton, OH and Wheaton, Ill.