Healthy Communities Reports

Healthy Communities: Reports, Evaluations, and Toolkits
2014 State Indicator Report on Physical Activity

This report shows that physical activity among adults and high school students is higher in some states than others. Overall, most states have environmental and policy strategies in place that encourage physical activity. 

Toolkit, Report
Monitoring for Success

This policy brief describes research showing the benefits of physical activity for student learning, explains the state requirements and standards for P.E., highlights board actions to support P.E. and lists additional resources board members and others might find useful.

Toolkit, Evaluation
Active Schools Neighborhood Checklist

The aim of the Active School Neighborhood Checklist (ASNC) is to provide decision makers with a quantitative tool for evaluating the potential long-term health impacts of candidate school sites on the children who will attend them. 

Toolkit, Report, Case Study
Building Healthy Communities

According to CSBA’s research with school governance teams in California, schoolboard members recognize the link between student health and academicachievement, but when faced with a multitude of competing priorities and limitedresources, are hard pressed to make wellness a high priority in the district/COE.

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report:

In December 2012, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: Strategies to Increase Physical Activity Among Youth.

Report, Case Study
Complete Streets

Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practices is the result of a collaborative partnership among the American Planning Association (APA), the National Complete Streets Coalition (NCSC), and the National Policy and Legal Analysis Network to Prevent Childhood Obesity (NPLAN).

Helping Johnny Walk to School

School districts are responsible for the education of almost 50 million public school students. This report identifies the larger community interest in decisions about retaining existing schools and deciding where to locate new ones. 

Toolkit, Case Study
Steps to a Walkable Community – Part IV

Part IV of the series "Steps to a Walkable Community: A Guide for Citizens, Planners, and Engineers."

Report, Case Study
Places, Spaces & People – Part I

The Boyle Heights/East Los Angeles (BHELA) Community Health Assessment explores the nexus between the built environment, public policy, and urban planning in an effort to determine their impact on the health and wellbeing of residents in Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles.

Evaluation, Report
Getting Results

This document provides guidance for implementing and evaluating Complete Streets.