Start a Safe Routes to School Program at Your School!

Safe Routes to School is a great way to help students be healthy and have fun on the way to school. There are enormous benefits for students who walk, bike, and get physical activity: they are better able to focus in class, have higher attendance rates, and form healthy habits that last a lifetime and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Suggestions for getting started:

  • Use our toolkits to get your Safe Routes to School programs up and running, start a walking school bus program, or take your program to the next level.
  • Join the conversation! Follow #StartSafeRoutes and share your local stories, heroes, and photos about how you travel to school.
  • Share social media messages with impact stats, encouraging messages, and resources to inspire your school community to #StartSafeRoutes

#StartSafeRoutes promotes awareness, inspiration, and grassroots change at the local level to build a movement for Safe Routes to School

Resources for Starting a Safe Routes to School Program

Building Blocks: A Guide to Starting and Growing a Safe Routes to School Program
This toolkit will help you kick off a new Safe Routes to School program or strengthen your existing one. We will take you step by step through how to start a program, how to get your school and city on board, and how to make your program stronger over time. We will introduce you to the background, lingo, and everything you need to know to develop your strongest possible Safe Routes to School program. 

The Basics of Safe Routes to School
Programs often use the 6 E’s as a framework for identifying needs and structuring activities and goals. This page goes into detail about each component of a Safe Routes to School program and suggests tools you can use to get started.

The 6 E's of Safe Routes to School
The Six E’s of Safe Routes to School summarize the key components of a comprehensive, integrated approach. Here we cover Education, Encouragement, Engineering, Encouragement, Evaluation, and Equity.

Step By Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus At Your School
This step-by-step guide outlines how to plan and implement a walking school bus for your school, and includes proven tools, tips and resources for a fast and easy start. 

Paso a paso: Como epezar un autobús caminante escolar en su escuela
Esta guía le sirve a proveer una descripción clara de cómo planificar y organizar un autobús caminante escolar usando voluntarios adultos como líderes.

Mensajes clave y puntos de discusión
Ya sea que su escuela o distrito escolar tengan un Programa Safe Routes to School establecido o no, pueden adoptar medidas para mejorar la seguridad al caminar o montar bicicleta para ir a la escuela. 

How to Be A Parent Champion for Safe Routes to School
Learn about how parents and families can get involved in Safe Routes to School, though data collection, school and neighborhood improvements, policy change, and programs to enable and encourage more walking and bicycling.