In 2019, we’re gearing up for a round up of active transportation network (ATN) meetings throughout the Southern California region. The ATNs are a multi-stakeholder group and we currently support three County networks: Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino.The ATNs serve as an informational hub for community based organizations and public agencies to share information upcoming funding competitions and to engage in increasing active transportation investments and policy.  This year our topics will spotlight best policy practices and prioritize technical assistance for funding.

Our 2019 spring meetings are: (stay tuned for summer schedule)

  • Riverside County Active Transportation Network: Feb. 20th 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at SCAG’s Riverside Regional Office

  • Orange County Active Transportation Network: Feb. 25th 1:30 PM-3:30 PM at OneOC headquarters

  • San Bernardino Active Transportation Network: March 11th 10:00 AM-11:30 AM, at the SB County Transportation Authority

For more information or to attend, please email

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California