Join Safe Routes to School practitioners and other interested parties in Salem, OR, this June 25. Learn about new funding streams, best practices, share lunch with old and new friends and take home new tools to get the kids in your neighborhood walking and biking! Get inspired and find resources for Safe Routes to School work in Oregon.

Monday’s meeting being held at Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry, 626 High St NE, Salem, OR 97301, USA from 8:30-4:30 (lunch included) and will include orientation, networking and the ORSRTS Network Annual Meeting. There will be a session on SRTS infrastructure funding.

RSVP: Get your free ticket

Join the Oregon Safe Routes to School Network’s Annual Meeting for a day of:

  • Networking with other SRTS professionals
  • Orientation for people new to SRTS
  • Finding out about other practitioners’ successes and lessons learned
  • Getting inspired by programs that can be replicated in your community
  • Learning about the Oregon SRTS Network, resources, and opportunities


Please register here for the meeting and workshops! ODOT is offering trip/travel scholarships of $200 per person. Contact for more information.

Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest