In the spring of 2017, House Bill 2017 passed in the Oregon State Legislature, dedicating $10 million annually for Safe Routes to School infrastructure, increasing to $15 million annually in 2023.
The Oregon Legislature's state transportation funding plan invests in cleaner, healthier transportation options for Oregonians, including ongoing dedicated funding for Safe Routes to School.
Salem Keizer Area Transportation Study (SKATS) invites you to review and comment on the FY 2018-2023 TIP – how transportation dollars can be spent over the next six years on transit, roadways, and bike and pedestrian facilities.
Comments on the TIP will be accepted until April 11, 2017. A public hearing is scheduled on April 25, 2017.
Public Hearing for the SKATS Draft FY 2018-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Air Quality Conformity Determination (AQCD).
Provide input on Safe Routes to School in March & April to have your say
Fixing Our Streets is a locally-funded street repair and traffic safety initiative that will bring much needed street improvement and safety projects to neighborhoods across Portland. It is expected to provide approximately $8 million for school neighborhood improvements along walking and biking routes to school — around $500,000 dedicated to each High School cluster (including the elementary and middle schools that feed into a particular high school).
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division (OHA-PHD) established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in late 2013, where both agree to “communicate, coordinate and collaborate on activities that support their mutual goal to improve the link between public health and transportation policies and programs in Oregon.”