The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

CA ATP: Changes in the ATP Guidelines, Applications and Scoring in Cycle 5

This is the third and final webinar in our California ATP Cycle 5 support series.

Safe Routes for Youth

This toolkit provides tips and strategies for effectively engaging young people in Vision Zero, including ideas for integration into SRTS programming, general principles of youth engagement, and more.

Fact Sheet
Keep Up the Momentum: Sustaining Safe Routes to Parks Efforts

While it may seem illogical to start thinking about how to keep work going when you have just begun, it can be an effective strategy to sustain your Safe Routes to Parks efforts.

Fact Sheet
Standalone Policies to Support Safe Routes to Parks

One way to commit to Safe Routes to Parks and spell out some clear next steps is by creating a strong standalone Safe Routes to Parks policy.

Website, Video
Safe Routes in All Weather Photo Library

This is a crowdsourced photo library featuring walking and rolling to schools, parks, and around the community in all types of weather - rainy, gusty, snowy, and sunny!

Fact Sheet
Health Impact Assessments

This factsheet offers a snapshot of a tool to help park advocates engage stakeholders and gather data in support of safe, equitable park access: Health Impact Assessments.

Fact Sheet
People Powered Implementation

Community advocates can help bring plans to life. While there are many ways that neighbors and residents can help to improve safe, equitable park access, this fact sheet provides four examples of how community advocates can participate in the implementation of Safe Routes to Parks efforts and highlights stories of advocates using these strategies.

Safe Routes to Healthy Food Report and Action Agenda

Whether people are shopping at a supermarket or corner store, getting food from a food pantry, eating at a local restaurant, or picking up produce at a farmers market or community garden, everyone needs a safe and reliable way to get to the places where they obtain foods.

The Safe Routes to School Program Census Project

This report provides an overview of the state of Safe Routes to School programming in the United States and a high-level assessment of challenges, innovations, and opportunities for Safe Routes to School programs. 

Model Policy
Safe Routes to School District Policy Workbook

This tool is designed to help school board members, administrators, families of students, and community members create and implement district policies that support active transportation and Safe Routes to School programs.