SoCal News: Groups Urge SCAG to Strengthen Connect SoCal Plan

In collaboration with local advocacy groups, Safe Routes Partnership submitted a policy comment letter this week to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) on the 2020 update of the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). The 2020 RTP/SCS, also known as Connect SoCal, will set the Southern California’s plans for transportation and housing for the next 25 years--including thousands of transportation projects. 

Riverside County ATN tours City of Perris

The September meeting of the Riverside County Active Transportation Network (ATN) toured new bike facilties and community gardens to showcase their efforts for healthier communities. The ATN group included 20 participants who had an opportunity to ride electric bikes through the bike lanes of Perris. City staff explained the newest vegetable garden features and how residents particpated in planning of the garden. 



California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California